Tax, Water, & Sewer
To Pay your Tax, Water and Sewer Bill online please click here:
To reach the Tax Assessor or Tax, Water and Sewer Office please click here.
To Register for Ebilling to receive you Water and Sewer Bills by email please register here*
*Ebilling will not substitute a mailed bill. You will still receive a mailed bill.
Taxes are due on the first of February, May, August and November. There is a 10-day grace period where the payment must be received in the office by the end of the office hours on the last day of the grace period (post marks are not acceptable). After the grace period, taxes are delinquent and subject to interest back to the first day of that quarter. Payments received after business hours are posted on the next business day.
Did you receive an “advice copy” tax bill? Original bills are mailed to those who pay their own taxes, and to banks and mortgage companies. Property owners who pay their taxes through their mortgage company receive an advice copy of the tax bill. This advice copy can be used to make tax payments if a mortgage has been paid off by the property owner.
If you need to update your tax information please email
Taxes and/or utility charges can be paid in person, by mail, in the drop box located in front of town hall or online. Cash is acceptable in person only.
Checks for taxes should be made payable to the Township of Mine Hill and should include your block and lot number(s). Checks for utility should be made payable to Township of Mine Hill and should include your account number. If a receipt is needed, please bring your bill with you when coming into the office, or mail it along with a self addressed stamped envelope. If no receipt is required, send the appropriate stub and check to the address above. The cancelled check will be your receipt. Due to state statutes, post dated checks are not to be accepted and will be returned to you.
For those making payments online through their banks, please allow 7 to 10 days for this process so that we receive the payments before the grace period ends. Please remember to use your block/lot or utility number as our account number.
Online Payments
To Pay your Tax, Water and Sewer Bill online please click here:
E-Check payments can be made with your checking account number and routing number for payment of tax/utility charges online – then follow the appropriate prompt/instruction. There is a $1.95 fee for this payment method. We recommend this payment method as the least expensive online payment option.
Debit/Credit cards are acceptable for payment of tax/utility charges online – then follow the appropriate prompt/instruction. There is a 2.95% fee of your total payment for the usage of credit cards.
Any taxes remaining unpaid after the grace period are subject to interest from the first of each quarter date. Interest rate charged is 8% on the first $1,500 of delinquent tax. Rate of 18% remains on the balance until the account is brought current, even if the balance falls below $1,500. If taxes are delinquent, please call the tax collection office at the number above for interest amount.
The Tax Map is available here.
Tax Sale Information
Tax Sale List 2025: Not available at this time.
Tax Sale Bidder Packet – Preregistration is REQUIRED
New Jersey Division of Taxation – Property Tax Relief Programs
General Information on Property Tax Relief Programs offered by the State of NJ
Property Tax Reimbursement (PTR) Senior Tax Freeze
Stay NJ, Property Tax Relief Program for Seniors
Senior/Disabled Property Tax Deduction
Meters are read and billed quarterly. Water payments are due in February, May, August and November. Bills are mailed 30 days prior to due date. Due date will be indicated on the postcard. Any delinquent amounts will be subject to interest. There is no grace period on utility bills.
Water Line Inventory dep-10-s-00014.3 January 2024
The 2024 Consumer Confidence Report is available here.
If you need a final water read please email and please indicate the date of the closing, the address of the property that the water read needs to be conducted on.
If you need to update the address for your water bill please email with the Mine Hill address the property is located at and the address you would like to have the bills sent to.
Sewer payments mailed quarterly. Sewer payments are due in March, June, September and December. Bills are mailed 30 days prior to due date. Due date will be indicated on the postcard. Any delinquent amounts will be subject to interest. There is no grace period on utility bills.
If you need to update the address for your sewer bill please email with the Mine Hill address the property is located at and the address you would like to have the bills sent to.