Garbage, Recycling, Yard Waste/Mulch Site
**Important Note: If you use containers to place your garbage and recycling to the curb, please only use 32 gallon garbage cans with handles. Any other container may be mistaken as part of your refuse and taken away. The Township and its vendors are not responsible for the loss of an improper container placed to the curb.**
For the updated 2025 schedule, please click here.
Regular Garbage Pick-up will accept TWO GARBAGE CANS and ONE BULK ITEM PER HOUSEHOLD PER WEEK. Residents are permitted to place at the curb a maximum of two (2) containers of garbage (cans or bags) not to exceed 40 lbs. per bag/container per collection. Please place your garbage out to the curb no later than 6:00 a.m. Garbage Pick-up does not accept electronics, appliances, household hazardous wastes, tires, or construction debris. Please see below for disposal of these items. To report a garbage or yard waste concern, including missed pickups, please call Blue Diamond Disposal at 973-598-9800.
Recycling: The ONLY items that should be placed in the recycling containers are: Flattened Cardboard, Paper, Metal Cans, Plastic Bottles & Jugs, and Glass. Plastic bags should NEVER be placed in recycling bins because they are easily tangled in the processing equipment at the recycling facility. Place Recyclables out to the curb the night before collection or by 6 a.m. the day of collection.
To report a recycling concern, including missed pickups, please call Blue Diamond Disposal at 973-598-9800.

Vegetative Waste Disposal:
*Place Vegetative Waste to the Curb the night before or by 6:00 a.m.
*Branches and Brush MUST be cut to 4’ (four foot) lengths and bundled with twine
*Grass Clippings and Leaves MUST either be bagged in Brown Yard Waste Bags or placed in a CLEARLY MARKED 32 gallon container weighing less than 40 lbs.
Grass clippings are to be disposed of at curbside for recycling on yard waste pickup days.
Mulch Site
The 2025 mulch site schedule is to be determined.
Electronics Recycling:
State law no longer permits residents to place their TVs, computers and unwanted electronics out for curbside trash collection. Electronics can be recycled at Town Hall, Monday through Friday between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.. Please register your electronics with Town Hall prior to disposing of them in the first container behind the Community Center. This service is free to Township Residents.
Acceptable Electronics that you can recycle:
Computers, Laptops, Desktop Faxes, Monitors, Televisions Desktop Printers, Tablets
Appliance & Metal Recycling:
If you are able to bring your appliances to Town Hall, they can be dropped off behind the Community Center in the second container between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. All drop-offs need to be registered with Town Hall before taking them out to the second container. This includes non-metal appliances such as vacuum cleaners (basically anything with a plug that is not an electronic device ie: computers, printers, phones etc). If your appliance contains Freon (refrigerators, freezers, air conditioners, dehumidifiers etc.), a $15 charge for removal and disposal of the Freon will be applied.
For metal appliances (i.e. washing machines), if you are not able to bring your item to Town Hall, a “pick-up sticker” can be purchased at from Town Hall for $10. Appliances registered prior to 10 a.m. on Tuesday will be picked up on Wednesday of the same week. If your appliance contains Freon, certification of removal of the Freon by a certified professional will be required at the time of registration for pick-up.
Acceptable Scrap Metal (Any item with metal in it as well as):
Air Conditioners, Refrigerators, freezers (please note that freon needs to be removed first)
Lawn Mowers (please remove gas), Microwaves, stoves, washers, dryers, Hot Water Heaters, Metal Grills, Utility Cabinets, Weed Trimmers.
If you are looking to dispose of an item that works:
If you are looking to dispose of electronics or appliances that are still in working order, consider donating them to a non-profit such as the Habitat for Humanity ReStore in Randolph. Information about the ReStore and other locations for donating, please click here.
Medical Waste:
Wharton Police Department accepts unwanted pills all year, but they are unable to accept liquid medications or needles. For information about the Take Back Initiative, where liquids and needles can be disposed of, click here. If you have a reoccurring need to dispose of needles, please contact the Reception Desk at St. Clare’s in Dover to register for a disposal container.
Household Hazardous Waste:

Morris County Municipal Utilities Authority (MCMUA) holds household hazardous waste events throughout the year. Hazardous Waste Items can also be taken to MCMUA by appointment only. Call (973) 285-8394 for an appointment.
Tires should be disposed of at the Parsippany Transfer Station, 1100 Edwards Road, Parsippany, NJ of the MCMUA, (973) 808-9651 in advance of taking your tires to the facility. To access the site for more information click here.
Vehicle Recycling / Donation:
Unwanted vehicles can be locally donated to any of the following:
Make-A-Wish Foundation (
Breast Cancer Research Foundation (
Vehicles for Veterans (
Links to nongovernmental entities are provided at the request of the entity as a convenience to residents. The Township has not investigated the entities who have provided links and the fact that the link is provided is not an indication of Township sponsorship or support.
Construction Debris (including bathroom fixtures):
Construction debris should be disposed of at the Mount Olive Transfer Station, 168 Gold Mine Road, Mount Olive, NJ of the MCMUA, (973) 347-8106. This facility is open Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM until 3:00 PM, and no appointment is required. You will be required to prove that you are a Morris County resident. To access the site for more information click here.