Welcome to
Mine Hill Township
Morris County, New Jersey

Changes to Street Parking Ban


We are revising the no parking order from last week.

Working with the police, we have designated specific streets as “no parking”.  Some streets are affected, some streets are not.  Some streets are completely “no parking”, some are only on one side.  It depends on how wide the street is.  This is so an ambulance etc. can get down the street.

“Emergency No Parking” Signs will be placed in the affected areas as needed.

If you park in the areas marked, you will get a ticket.  You might also be towed.  Please help spread the word to your neighbors.

Please be aware that parking by a car and blocking the street is also a problem and please use common sense and avoid these situations.

Please avoid parking in the street as much as you can regardless in case the DPW needs to re-plow and clean once some thawing starts.

This order is in effect until March 1, 2014.

Thank you.