Community Center and Parks Rental Information
Mine Hill Community Center and Parks
To rent the Facilities and view the availability of the Community Center please click HERE.
To reserve the Fields and view the availability of the Fields please click HERE.
Please note, due to COVID-19 the Township is implementing protocols for use of the building as a precaution. You will be required to sign off on the following form prior to use of the building. We are only permitting one group using the building per day and weekend at this time. For the COVID-19 Protocols please click HERE.
Community Center
Reservations are on a first come first serve basis. Your reservation must be made online by going to the hyperlink above and reservations must be at a minimum of 4 hours.
The Mine Hill Community Center is available by reservation only.
Once we receive the registration you have 48 hours in order to make your payment for your reservation either by paying online or by check/cash at Town Hall Monday-Friday from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Please make checks out to the “Township of Mine Hill”. Failure to remit the payment once your reservation has been reviewed and times have been approved will result in the “hold” placed for your reservation will be cancelled.
Once your reservation has been completed, payment has been received you will receive a permit for use of the building. Please review the permit as it includes the township’s policy on using the building and hold harmless agreement. At the time you pick up your key for the civic center you will need to sign the permit(s) in order to receive your key.
The building includes a kitchen, two meeting rooms, bathrooms and a cleaning closet.
The two meeting rooms are the “large room” and the “small room”. Both rooms may be reserved at the same time if they are both available.
You must sign the Hold Harmless Agreement and abide by the Policies and Procedures set forth by the Township.
What is included in the rental at the Community Center?:
- Rectangle folding tables 6′ in length. They fit about 6 to 8 people per table. The number of tables and chairs are to match the max occupancy of the building for those rooms.
- Folding Chairs
- *Access to the Kitchen which includes a fridge and freezer, coffee maker, oven, cook top, sink and microwave.
- Access to the cleaning closet which includes a mop, vacuum, paper towels, toilet paper, garbage bags etc.
- There is a TV in the large room which you will need a HDMI cable to plug into and an extension cord to plug it in.
- Wifi access
*Use of the kitchen may be shared if there is another reservation taking place in the other room reserved.
Max Occupancy:
Large Room: Estimated less than 55 people in a dining setting.
Small Room: Estimated 20-25 in a dining setting.
Key Pick Up:
Keys must be picked up the Friday before your event if your event is being held over the weekend or the day of your event if it is during the week. Failure to pick up the key will prevent you from access to the building. At the end of your event you must make sure the civic center is locked and the key must be returned IMMEDIATELY after your event in the drop box located in front of town hall.
You must book the Community Center for ALL the hours you need to use the building from set up to clean up. You are not permitted to use the building before or after your event or past 11:00 PM. The building is being monitored at all times.
Rental Rates:
Resident* of Mine Hill: $25.00 per hour
Non-Resident: $75.00 per hour
Refundable Security Deposit
Resident*: $100.00
Non-Resident: $400.00
*Resident is a person who lives in the Township of Mine Hill. If you do not reside in Mine Hill you are not a resident.
Security Deposits are refundable as long as the renter abides by the Township’s Policy listed on the renter’s permit. Permit is only issued after the renter has been approved and rental fees have been paid.
Non-Profit Club/Organizations need to provide a Certificate of Insurance listing the Township as additional insured. Fee is waived for this type of rental.
Mine Hill Recreational Soccer Field and Baseball Field
Mine Hill’s Parks are open to the public for general use. Any organized recreational clubs or organizations with participants of 10 or more who would like to utilize the fields for games or practice are required to complete the online registration and obtain a permit from the township once authorized to use the facilities. Certificate of Insurance is required for your permit.
For questions or help with rentals please contact Laurie Betz. Contact information can be found by clicking here.