Construction and Zoning
PERMIT PROCESS – Construction Permits – When required
Permits are required when work being performed falls under the jurisdiction of the New Jersey Uniform Construction Code (UCC):
A permit is required to construct, enlarge, repair, renovate, alter, reconstruct or demolish a structure, or change the use of a building or structure, or portion thereof; and service equipment. No permit is required for what the state defines as ordinary maintenance. A permit is required for what the state defines as minor work. However, the work may proceed upon notice to the enforcing agency (town) prior to the permit being issued. Emergency work as defined by the state may be performed except that notice begiven to the enforcing agency as soon as possible. A permit must be applied for within 72 hours.
(Click here for the Definitions of Minor and Ordinary work in the Construction Code Communicator)
Doing work without permits and inspections can be a hazard to the safety of your family. In addition, there can be penalties issued when you don’t have a permit.
The permit application will require basic information about the project which is a detailed outline of the project and the contractors or individuals expected to perform the work must be indicated. The application should include sketches, plans or other documentation for review. Plans may be required for projects and must be prepared, signed and sealed by a licensed New Jersey Architect. However, for single family residences the resident homeowner may prepare plans for their own use. Applications can be completed electronically using the fillable documents provided below but will need to be dropped off to the Construction Department for review.
Permit requirements: You will need a Construction Permit Application (permit jacket), appropriate Sub-code Tech Sheets for the job which could be building, electrical, plumbing, mechanical, fire. Please note that for the electric and plumbing forms, they MUST have a raised contractor seal. A copy of the contractor(s) license and if applicable drawings (3 sets)/plans/specs on items. Please check over your application for completeness before submitting. Do not forget to include your email address and phone number.
How to Complete Construction Permits
This is a instructional guide on how to complete permits. Please click on the link to access each tutorial on how to complete each section of the construction permit you need to submit to the construction office.
How to find your Block and Lot Information
Construction Permit Application Jacket (Form: F100)
Building Subcode Technical Section (Form: F110)
Construction Permit (Form: F170)
Electrical Subcode Technical Section (Form: F120)
Fire Protection Subcode Technical Section (Form: F140)
Mechanical Inspector Technical Section (Form: F145)
Plumbing Subcode Technical Section (Form: F130)
Construction Forms (printable and fillable documents)
Construction Permit Application Jacket (Form: F100)
Building Subcode Technical Section (Form: F110)
Construction Permit (Form: F170)
Construction Permit Update (Form: F190)
Electrical Subcode Technical Section (Form: F120)
Fire Protection Subcode Technical Section (Form: F140)
Mechanical Inspector Technical Section (Form: F145)
Plumbing Subcode Technical Section (Form: F130)
Chimney Verification for Replacement of Fuel-Fired Equipment
Air Barrier and Insulation Checklist
Permit Approval and Scheduling Inspections
Once the permit has been approved by all Subcode Officials, approved and signed off by the Construction Official, the permit will need to be picked up and paid for by check or cash between 9:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Please do not forget to schedule your inspections with the Construction Department (973-366-9031 x4) or through the Construction Permit Portal below.
Zoning Officer’s Office Hours:
Tuesdays from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Thursdays from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Zoning Permit
A zoning permit is required but not limited to the following items:
- Fences
- Pools
- Patios
- Dumpsters
- Porches
- Porch/Patio coverings and awnings
- Additions
- Signs
Before any construction permit is issued or any proposed change of use or new construction is allowed, a zoning review must be completed to ensure there are no conflicts with the zoning ordinances. If the proposal does not comply with the zoning requirements and the applicant wishes to continue with the project, the applicant can apply to the Planning Board for a variance.
The 2018 International Pool & Spa Code defines a “pool” as the following:
Any structure intended for swimming, recreational bathing or wading that contains water over 24 inches deep. This includes above-ground and in-ground pools; hot tubs; spas and fixed-in place wading pools.
There is no definition of time frame.
The following is required prior to installing a pool:
- Zoning approval
- Building application
- Electrical application
- Manufacturer’s Specs (with clear verbiage that the pool meets the 2018 International Pool & Spa Code)
All the above measures are put in place to protect the homeowner. If you have installed a pool without a permit, you may be held liable for any accidents that occur. Homeowner’s insurance will not cover anything that required a permit that was not obtained.
All property owners should have a copy of a survey for the property they own. If you are unable to locate your survey, you can see if the town has a copy on file by clicking HERE and registering with our permit portal, if you have not already registered.
Please provide a copy of your survey when you are applying for a zoning permit.
Feel free to contact the construction and zoning department if you are unsure as to whether a zoning permit may or may not be required.
Helpful Zoning Links:
Selling, Purchasing, or Renting a Property in Mine Hill
Certificate of Habitability and Fire Inspections
The Certificate of Habitability Ordinance requires that the owner of any property that is being sold or rented obtain a Certificate of Habitability whenever there is a change in occupancy. An annual inspection is also required for Rental Properties.
The certificate MUST be obtained before the new occupancy takes place.
Do not move in without a certificate of occupancy it is a violation.
It is strongly recommended that the application is submitted to the zoning department at least 30 days prior to the change in ownership or occupancy in order for the required inspection to be scheduled and completed.
Items needed prior to submitting your application
All open construction permits and violations have been closed out.
- All smoke detectors should be 10 year lithium battery.
- All carbon monoxide, smoke detectors and fire extinguishers should be located as per NJAC 5:70-4.19
- Health Department Certificate of Completion*
*Health Department requirements for a certificate of completion
- If the property is connected to town water, the well must be decommissioned or certified as irrigation by a professional well driller prior to the transfer of sale. Verify well decommissioning on the following NJ DEP website.
- If the property has a septic system, a copy of the septic inspection report by an Engineer or a Certified Septic Inspector is required.
Please note, if you have any questions regarding well decommissioning or the septic inspection contact the Health Department at 973-691-0900 ext. 7330.
The Certificate of Habitability does not replace or supersede a home inspection
Regulations For Home Sale and Fire Safety and Habitability Application (for transfer of sale)
Annual Fire Safety Inspection Application for Rentals
To contact the Zoning Department please click here.